
Friends and family

The Foot

Notice the size of those toes!!!




Baby - Day 2.0

BABY-Day 1.0

Our Child

You are the poem I dreamed of writing
the masterpiece I longed to design.
You are the shining star I reached for
In my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled..
You are my child.
Now with all things I am blessed.


Baby room

Almost done!


These are his first pair of shoes

last minute

We had our last ultra-sound yesterday evening. Looks like we will be having our baby boy friday morning Athens time at 7:30 in the morning the 29th of June. That should be about 9:30 pm california time, thursday evening. Julia is very excited and we're getting everything prepped and taking care of last minute things today and tomorrow.

final doctors app.

Julia will have her final doctors app. today. We could be having a baby boy this week!!!!

By the way it's 111/44 degrees in athens today